My CV is available here. Otherwise, the following is my résumé.
1. Education
- University of California, Berkeley. 2014–present.
- Ph.D. Mathematics.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2008–2012
- S.B. Mathematics with Computer Science, minor in Music. GPA 4.8/5.0.
- Eden Prairie Senior High School. 2004–2008
- Graduated with honors.
- University of Minnesota. 2002–2007
- Talented Youth Mathematics Program and College of Continuing Education.
2. Research Experience
- Microsoft Research New England. 2013–present.
- Research assistant. Analyzing large data sets for empirical microeconomics research, and writing crowdsourcing software for studying bias in news sources.
- MIT Department of Mathematics. Summer 2010.
- Undergraduate researcher under Prof. Abhinav Kumar. Worked on quadratic iteration graphs.
- Multimodal User-Interface Group. Fall 2009–Jan. 2010.
- Undergraduate researcher under Prof. Randall Davis, CSAIL. Worked toward combining voice and handwriting recognition technologies to do mathematics with a computer in a natural manner.
- Multimodal User-Interface Group. Summer 2009.
- Undergraduate researcher under Prof. Randall Davis, CSAIL. Helped work on a DARPA seedling to find the place of artificial intelligence and multimodal user interfaces in software development.
- Humans and Automation Laboratory. Spring 2009.
- Undergraduate researcher for Brian Mekdeci under Prof. Mary Cummings. Developed a multi-user real-time unmanned aerial vehicle simulation to study efficient team structures. Won the Licklider UROP Prize for this work.
3. Work Experience
- Swift Navigation, Inc. Summer 2015
- Software engineer. Helped design and implement the programming language Plover, which is for compiling linear algebra algorithms to C.
- Vecna Technologies, Inc. 2012–2013
- Software engineer. Architected enterprise Java software relating to sending e-mails for healthcare systems.
- 6.046J: Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Fall 2010
- Grader. Read, corrected, and graded descriptions and proofs of algorithms.
- NeCSys (MIT Media Lab). Spring 2009
- Student technician. Helped maintain the MIT Media Lab computing infrastructure.
- 1.264J: Database, Internet & Systems Integration Technologies. Fall 2008
- Grader. Consistently graded software projects and requirements specifications.
- West of Thomson Reuters. Summer 2008
- Tech intern for West KM. Designed a data migration utility for WestKM to safely transfer gigabytes of records.
4. Other Projects
- Textadv. 2011.
- An interactive fiction engine using pseudo-metaprogramming in Python. It was used for the tEp virtual house tour. Source is available at GitHub.
- First Robotics Competition. Spring 2008.
- Founder and programmer. Founded a FRC team at my high school and worked to program a robot using C on an embedded PIC microprocessor.
- Eyrie Newspaper. 2007–2008.
- Designed, developed, and maintained the content management system and website for the Eden Prairie High School student newspaper.
- KyleWiki. 2005–2007.
- Developed an extensible, robust wiki engine for LAMP.
5. Computer Experience
- Languages: Java, Scheme, Lisp, Haskell, Python, PHP, C#, C, Objective-C
- Architectures: Beta, Z80, x86-64
6. Academic Honors and Awards
- Licklider UROP Prize
- National Merit Finalist
- National AP Scholar