Random things which I’ve come across.
November 2012. Raeez told me that Michael Artin started a class this semester with a discussion of why to do mathematics. “Three reasons: Beauty, beauty, and beauty.”
August 2012. variegated. adj. Having different colors. For flowers, having edges which are in a second color.
October 2008. Disumbrationism. n. The school of painting which disallows the use of shadows. Actually a hoax, but still hilarious:
September 2008. The LaRouche PAC.
These people are so scary. I was reading their propaganda, and it’s so poorly-written, nearly non-sensical, and just plain crazy. So cultish...
So, I gave them my phone number so I could play with them. I should get a call later today about what I thought of the propaganda they graciously gave me. Here are the things I was planning on mentioning:
- Prove to them that transcendental numbers don’t exist. Clearly, nothing can transcend physical reality, because those who believe that are insane. Also, only computers can calculate these “numbers” to any significant degree, and you know about “digital reality.” Yeah.
- Ask them about the world banking world leader conspiracy where we are all just pawns of financial institutions. Also, ask why it’s not on wikipedia. With this segue, ask why LaRouche people aren’t allowed to vandalize web pages.
- End the discussion with asking about why it’s free thinking to blindly follow LaRouche’s ideology.
- Tell them I’m not interested in attending their meeting, as I’ll be thinking for myself, thank you very much.
Any more ideas?
Update. They kept calling me for a few weeks, and I did not answer the phone, until, ultimately, I happened to answer the phone right when people were screaming at tEp, to which the guy on the other end asked if everything was OK. Worriedly, I said, “uhhh... I have to go. Right now.” while hanging up. They didn’t call me back.